Collaborating with people who conduct, or who have captured slaughter on camera, this project connects with
rituals and historical practices of feeding on flesh. These part abstract/ documentary videos consider wider food
production systems and the ethics of both eating and being animal. 


Preying for Modesty, PhotoAccess, Canberra, Australia 2021
BETTER OUT THAN IN, a converstaion between Katrina Stamatopoulos, Kerrie Cooke, Helen Pynor and Laura Dalrymple
An online event held alongside the Exhibition Preying for Modesty (Meatheads) at PhotoAccess, Canberra, Australia                                                                                                           

Preying for Modesty, 2020
Part IV shot by Chris Panagiotaros in Capertee, Australia

Preying for Modesty, 2020
Part III shot by Libby Gresham in Wattle Ponds, Australia

Preying for Modesty, 2020
Part II shot by Jessica Fewkes in Bugiri, Uganda

 Preying for Modesty, 2020
 Part I shot by George Stamatopoulos in Dungog, Australia