Iterations of Troop, 2022 - 2024                

Unique chemigrams made with ox heart valves/ off-cuts and juice, toothpaste, old mascara, pickle juice,
black and white chemistry, sepia toner concentrate, C41 chemistry, expired Kodak Bromide paper,  expired
Agfa Brovira paper and ORWO paper.

Troop, 2022 - 2024
Installation view, Built Photography, a group exhibition Curated by Izabela Pluta and Kiron Robinson, with support from the Museum of 
Australian (MAPh) Director, Anouska Phizacklea, Museum of Australian Photography, Melbourne, 2024

Image credit: John Zheng, exhibition launch event, ‘Built photography’ and ‘Hollow’, courtesy Collection of
the Museum of Australian Photography.